Retreat requirement:
Being interested in following the teachings of Yeshi Namkhai and Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. If you haven't received any Dzogchen Teachings and Transmission from them, please do the following:
- Compulsory: Attend an 'Introduction to Dzogchen' session with Arnaud Coquillard in person. There will be one on Friday 25, 2025 in Melbourne from 6-8pm at the retreat location.
- Try to attend Yeshi Namkhai teachings (online or in person).
- Read Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's litterature on Dzogchen (The Mirror, advice on Presence and Awareness ; The Crystal and the way of light ; ...).
- Watch Youtube video of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's teachings.
- Friday night only: $30
- Onsite: Paying fees of $265 for non members, $210 for ordinary members or $175 for local sustaining members or $140 for global sustaining members.
- Online: Participation will be possible on request for participants that have already received Dzogchen teachings before from this lineage with a fee of $75.
Nobody will be turned away from lack of funds.
Retreat Program:
The retreat will start on Friday at 6.00pm and end on Monday at 5.00pm.
Friday: 6.00-8.00pm: Introduction to the retreat
Saturday and Sunday: 9.00am until 6.00pm
Monday: 9.00am until 5.00pm