Retreat requirement:
Being interested in following the teachings of Yeshi Namkhai and Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. If you haven't received any Dzogchen Teachings and Transmission from them, please do the following:
- Compulsory: Attend an 'Introduction to Dzogchen' session with Arnaud Coquillard in person. There will be one session on Waiheke Island on Friday 21st at 7pm and one in Auckland on Thursday 20th at 7pm. More information here.
- Try to attend Yeshi Namkhai teachings on February 13-14, 2025: Yeshi Namkai Dzogchen Teaching Live Webcast
- Read Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's litterature on Dzogchen (The Mirror, advice on Presence and Awareness ; The Crystal and the way of light ; ...).
- Watch Youtube video of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's teachings.
- Paying fees of $250 for ordinary members and first timers, $450 for non members, or $150 for sustaining members. Nobody will be turned away from lack of funds.
There are various accomodation options for this retreat. Please contact Yandakling Blue Gakyil Alastair for more information: waipuriri@yahoo.com
Retreat Program:
Tuesday night
6-8pm: introduction to the retreat and Long Ganapuja
9-12.30: Teachings and Practice
4.30-8: Teachings and Practice
9-12.30: Teachings and Practice
4.30-8: Teachings and Practice
Friday (Losar)
Start: Swim, Mandarava practice and Losar celebration
10-12.30: Teachings and Practice
4.30-8: Teachings and Practice
Sunrise: practice of Dakini Mandarava
9-12.30: Teachings and Practice
4.30-8: Teachings and Practice
Sunrise: practice of Dakini Mandarava
9-12.30: Teachings and Practice
Afternoon: excursion