International Community
The Dzogchen Community counts among its members all those who are interested in the practice of Dzogchen. The Community is thus seen as a place for sharing and exchange for people who share the same path towards knowledge. The various community centres are considered places for the practice of awareness where it is possible to collaborate with others in the perspective of a common spiritual enrichment.
The International Dzogchen Community, on the other hand, is made up of all the practitioners of Dzogchen around the world.
It has a non-bureaucratic organisation and is based on the development of systems of communication which respect the various autonomous local conditions. For Chögyal Namkhai Norbu the various Gars (literally meaning dwelling) make up one great mandala or a network that covers the various geographical areas of the world and to which practitioners can refer as places of study or practise and meditation. There are ten Gars in various places around the world.