The Vajra Dance
of the Three Vajra

'Meditation in Movement'

Open course with Thuy Nguyen
For beginners as well as those who already know and wishing to refresh their practice.

 11-13 April, 2025
Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday
Cost : $150

If you are new to Vajra Dance please plan to attend all
sessions. Please bring socks or soft soled shoes (ballet shoes, slippers).

Other Payment Options

You may pay at the retreat or perform a direct debit from your bank account to Namgyalgar bank account using as the reference of your transaction: BBDance-yourfamily name
eg. BBDance-smith

Make sure this reference number and your family name are written properly when making the transaction.

​The bank account details of Namgyalgar are:
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 036073
Account number: 332609