Khaita Dance

"Khaita" is "Harmony in the Space": 'Kha' is Tibetan for space or sky and 'Ta' is Tibetan for harmony or melody.

The term "Khaita" and the symbol of the 'golden infinite knot of love' on the earth were chosen by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in Dzamling Gar to represent all activities of the Dzogchen Community related to movement and sound: Khaita Joyful Dances; Vajra Dance; and Yantra Yoga are all part of this.

Since 2011 Chögyal Namkhai Norbu has devoted himself to the research and promotion of Tibetan songs. Chögyal  Namkhai Norbu has personally transcribed 180 Tibetan songs, which are now being widely embraced by his students around the world.

On Tibetan Modern Dances

"Milarepa said, 'any movement you do is Yantra'. This means whether you are doing Yantra Yoga, meditation, or some exercises - Milarepa said, 'there is no difference'. This is because everything you do, everything you deal with, depends on you. Even if you are only jumping, and jumping with presence, relaxed, then it become useful.

If you are interested in the teachings of Sutra, Tantra, Anuyoga and Dzogchen - all of these are coming from Tibet. When I was in Tenerife last year, I was listening to some Tibetan music and songs. I discovered the essence of how they are singing - they are communicating happiness, a sort of feeling, and their situation. Also, the kind of difficulties they are having - they are bringing all this into the melody. This is what we do in the Dzogchen teaching. We try to understand what is the real situation, and we do our best. For that reason, I thought, 'Oh, it is necessary that we should learn Tibetan songs and listen to them well'.
What do you need to do when you are dancing? When you are dancing, you coordinate and you must be present. That means you are being present, otherwise you couldn't dance. If you are present when you are dancing then you also relax. Even if you are jumping, it is not necessary to charge - you jump relaxed, then it becomes good for you, no? This helps. Dancing, relaxing and being present - knowing that - this is practice, no?"

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Tenerife, February, 2013